Maggie has written a mini Workshop – Sunflowers for a War Zone – based on Bev Caleno’s Forever Autumn: A mixed media landscape in WOWbook 08.
For those of you who follow us on social media and receive our Newsletter, you’ll have seen that we have a new WOW Challenge. We are asking you to make a Sunflower to help the people of Ukraine. Your Sunflower can be anything – a wallhanging, a book cover, a brooch, a postcard or greetings card, a bag – or anything else you fancy making. Once made, please post it to us at d4daisy books, 19 Merriefield Ave, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 8DA by the 18th April. We will display all your work at the Brockenhurst Needlework Fiesta (23-24 April 2022) and sell on a donations basis there.