First of all – Happy New Year everyone. A little late but well meant.  Had a great Christmas – best day was the family get-together on Boxing Day when we all gathered and played silly games, including a hilarious version of charades. Granddaughter Sophie put together some great quizzes, so the brain was given a bit of exercise, too. Sad to say we forgot all about the specially purchased game which involved Stuffing a Turkey using a ping pong ball resembling a sprout. This was propelled by a party blower. Where you had to aim for I leave to your imagination.

Clive gave me some QOR watercolours which I had long lusted after. They give very strong colour and are especially good when painted over a damp surface where they mingle beautifully.  I have been using them for the colour section of the ongoing course I will be running on the WoWbook site. We are beginning with a look at colour manipulation and I have some good fun ways of playing with this and turning it into resolved pieces. Keep an eye on the Facebook page, WOWies, as I will be letting you know about the requirements early next week.


I am currently working on a small piece for the Gathering Memories project. This is a community project which aims to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. They sell small Project Kits allowing the purchaser to create their own interpretation of memories through the medium of textiles and mixed media. Kit contains a tea dyed silk strand taken from an original installation work, together with backing cloth, Bondaweb, iron-on Vilene, a selection of beads, threads and a needle.


There are sufficient materials for an A5 piece of textile art based on your own memories. You can just make one for yourself or you can donate it for an auction to be her later in the year. Lots of great artists have taken part and you can see work by Anne Kelly and Stephanie Redfern here. Much of the work will be exhibited at the Brockenhurst Needlework Fiesta this year (21st and 22nd April). We will have a stand too and it really is a super show with lots of demos and all the big traders (including Art Van Go). Well worth a visit. Find out more at




I am basing my offering on a larger piece I made using techniques from my Tall Tales and Long Diaries book ( My granddad was an officer in the Royal Navy and kept a diary all through the first world war. I scanned some of the pages and also made some ‘vintage’ pieces of stitching for the work. It’s a very personal piece and I plan to make copies for my cousins. I shall take a photo of it to print on A4 cotton and add more stitching. Come to think of it, that would make a great starting point for my piece for the auction.  This is such a great way to raise money for an excellent cause.



Memory Gathering

4 thoughts on “Memory Gathering

  • January 4, 2018 at 2:45 pm

    I too, am working on a making memories piece. My mother in law was born in Ireland the same year as the Titanic and my piece is based on her page from my family tree mixed media book. She suffered from Altzeimers so this is quite personal.

  • January 4, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    Brilliant idea Maggie, it’s given me food for thought. I am doing a piece for a September exhibition based on Women’s suffrage, I have lots of bits and photos of my great aunt who was a suffragist
    And you have just given me an idea! Thank you. x

  • January 4, 2018 at 3:10 pm

    Glad to have helped, Marion. Great subject. Jilly has a good strong story, too.

  • January 5, 2018 at 10:28 am

    This is brilliant. My dad was a war baby, who survived the London Blitz and was then evacuated to family in the country. Our family tree traces us back in the village to at least the 1500’s. I have been planning a sketchbook journey through my dad’s changing world for some time, but never got round to it. He died from Alzheimer’s, so this is a wonderful place to start and fantastic inspiration.

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